Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Christmas Soiree

Christmas season was officially started last Saturday as we gathered together our friends for a little shindig. We had so much fun. Well to be quite honest, too much fun. I'm pretty sure I blinked and it was 4:30 in the morning. There were so many laughs especially with the white elephant gift exchange, spontaneous dancing all over the place and drinks were spilled everywhere, but all in good fun. The girls did a fabulous job of decorating, the tree looked perfect. My favorite part of the night though was when I got to hand out my homemade gifts to my friends. It meant a lot to me and I think that they all really liked them (can't explain more as there are a few more to be given out). It makes me want to make my gifts every year since I had such a good time creating them and it gave me more enjoyment to give. I will share more about them once they're all out in the open. :)
There were more people later, but we didn't really use the camera once the party was in full swing:
The girls
The boys
My gifts all wrapped and ready to go

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