Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Miss you Lover!

Boyfriend left this morning for his annual trip down to San Diego Comic Con. He worked his butt off and has a new book out just in time for the convention. I'm so excited for him and can't wait to join.
I'm heading down on Friday on the train, which in itself is fun. It feels so old school especially when you walk into Union Station in Downtown L.A. The 1920's art deco architecture was so beautifully renovated and takes you back to a different era. Usually I don't expect the station to be too busy, but during Comic Con it gets a little nuts. Once I'm in my seat on the train, its a nice ride down and I can catch up on some reading. And then (best part)... B will be there at the San Diego station when I arrive.  Can't wait to see his face.


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